ABA Adaptive Services Around the World

Global Autism Project

Tedi With The Global Autism Project

In October 2019 Tedi Teabout traveled with the Global Autism Project to establish ABA teachings in Rwanda, Africa. ABA Adaptive Services continues a partnership with the site Silver Bells supplying materials and creating continuing education seminars for behavioral health professionals in Africa.


ABA Adaptive Services has established a scholarship fund for students in the ABA program at Wayne State University, where Tedi Teabout is a 2017 alumni. The scholarship is geared toward helping students make it through the financial constraints associated with being a student, giving them more time to focus on being the best behavior analyst they can be!

Each semester, one student will have a chance to receive a $1,000 scholarship to be used for personal or academic purposes.

Recipient must be enrolled in an ABA Master's program at Wayne State University to be considered.

Tedi Teabout has also partnered with Global Autism project
to present data at the 2020 CalABA conference.